Saturday, August 30, 2008

Eating Time

Reilly is a pig, he eats his food so fast, he just gobbles it up in a second. Me, I like to eat SLOOOOOOWLY. One piece at a time. So this is what ends up happening, Reilly finishes, then he lays by his empty bowl and he gives the lady the saddest "I'm still hungry" look. While I sloooooowly chomp chomp chomp. Sometimes he lays next to his bowl and watches me eat, looking at every bite and hoping that I will leave some for him. I never do! Sad face close up...

Notice it doesn't get him any more food though!


the many Bs said...

hi Murphey,

that is a sad and hungry face that Reilly is showing us. we're glad that he doesn't try to hog in on your food bowl though. we are slow eaters too. we understand about thoroughly chewing and enjoying every bite.


Joe Stains said...

oh dog Tanner does this TOO! Mom gives me a head start so its not so bad!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey!
I eat very fast too! And I give my grandma the same sad eyes... and I never get more!
Kisses and hugs

Poppy Q said...

That truly is a sad puppy dog face. Have a nice week my sweet doggy friends.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That sure is a very sad face. I hope he gets some food soon hee

~ Girl girl

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Your eating story sounds familiar.
In my house, Ximui and Chubs are 2 piggies, not puggies! And I eat with style, just like you, one piece at a time, let the tastiness melting on my tongues.
Poor Reilly, Ximui and Chubs!

The Airechicks said...

Reilly - pick that bowl up and drop it on the ladies' feet...

You've got to train her right....

Good luck - did you guys see Faya's new br bro...he's so cute...


Dandy Duke said...

That used to happen at our house too - I'm the slow eater and Mitch is the piggy boy but once mom got that neat brakefast bowl it slowed Mitch right down! Now he doesn't stare at me while I'm trying to finish! It's really annoying, isn't it, Murphey?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Murph,
I am a slow eater like you cos I like to savour each and every bite.. Poor Reilly, his 'I am still hungry' look will definitely work it's magic in my house!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

reilly definately needs to brush up on his begging skill....

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Murphey,

Things are almpst back to normal here but we still don't got our cable back yet so we been doing nothing except up on blogs except when a birdie flew into the house. The Mommy wouldn't left me play with him though....I really was only gonna play with him....really!! The Mommy said she will post about it tomorrow.

Tell Reilly hello for Mona