Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Taking a Break

Well, as you can see we haven't been blogging lately. We are all fine, the lady feels MUCH better, but we just haven't had anything to say. Busy, Busy, Busy for the upcoming summer. Boring, Boring, Boring around here.....

So we're going to take a break for a little while. We promise to come back, and we just know we'll be back in action before summer ends.



Asta said...

We miss you, but undewstand..sometimes it gets to be too much fow ouw hoomans. Take cawe of youwself and Reilly too and come back soon
love and smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

oh we are gonna miss you kiddos, but we know how it is when peoples and pups get busy. be good and be sure to have some fun, okay?


Lorenza said...

I am going to miss you!
Take care!
Kisses and hugs

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Oh Im gonna miss you guys.
Come back soon.

Teddy said...

Oh, we're going to miss you guys this summer!! Be sure to take lots of pictures of your outdoor fun and share them with us in the fall.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Please come back soon....

Duke said...

We totally understand! Sometimes you just need a break!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Airechicks said...

Okay Murph -

Hope you guys haven't floated away over there in Dallas.....

We've got a jungle of a backyard - almost get lost every time we head out to tinkle.......RAIN blah blah blah...


L said...

We'll miss you but totally understand. Our girl has been really busy and we've been slow to visit our friends for a while. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures while you return from your break.

Poppy said...

It's okay...we take breaks sometimes too. We'll still be here when you come back!


Snowball said...


I am being chosen to be one of the 5 finalists for Ike's Summer Photo Contest. Can you please go visit his blog at http://ikeslife.blogspot.com/ and vote for me?

Thank you in advance.



Poppy said...

Taking breaks is okay. My Mommy has been known to take a few of those herself. We'll still be here when you get back!



Hi Murphey,

Just stopped in to say Hi to a fellow Texan. I'm Star and I have a brother named Riley also.

We are both Malteses. You are a lot like us, we terrorize our mommy all day long!

You are sooo cute and we would like to be your friend!

Star and Riley.

The Airechicks said...

Hey Murphey & Reilly:

Just wanted to say "Happy Holidays.."


Life With Dogs said...

How have you been??

Sunshade said...


I came back to blogging not long ago, and I'm happy to see you are still up to your tricks and keeping your lady busy. We miss you old friend (as in friend that we'd known for a long time).

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

lildogomine said...

We do miss you but it is understandable. before you completely disappear check out this site I found http://www.k9stud.com/viewalldogs.aspx

Unknown said...

We are both Malteses. You are a lot like us, we terrorize our mommy all day long!Challenge coins