Monday, March 02, 2009

Then there was mud....

The ice melted and we were left with this......MUD.
Hey, can I come inside now?

What do you mean I have muddy paws, I do not!

Fine, I will just lay here and pout until you let me in.....

Hey, get that camera away from my paws!

Okay, maybe they were a little muddy.......


The Airechicks said...

Murphey -

Nice to see you feel well enough to have "DIRTY PAWS"

We don't have any mud in Fort Worth...


Asta said...

I hope you had a wondewful time getting that mud on youw paws..the snow is melting hewe and we have slush
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

You are right. Just a little!
Kisses and hugs

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

No, I didnt see any muddy paw. That is ............ er........ok, mayb just a lil bit mud.

slurpy licks,

Amber-Mae said...

Looks like you're wearing socks. Hehehe!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Huskee and Hershey said...

I don't see any mud at all Murph.. **wink**

Duke said...

Mom says this is the worst part of the snow melting - MUD! She has gates up everywhere to keep us confined until our tootsie dry! It's so unfair! You look worse than we do, Murphey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

omdog you are not really muddy, looks like just a little bit of dirt to me!

Bae Bae said...

I hope you get into your home now. Muddy paws is fun

~ Bae

L said...

Did you get in the house with those paws? Better yet, did you jump on the bed or couch with them?

Anonymous said...

Well, what are you SUPPOSED to do? It's mud, for Heaven's sake, and you're a dog -- are you supposed to NOT dig around? That's just crazy talk.
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