Sunday, March 08, 2009

Keeping Me Away From His Food

Some chubby puppy really likes the new low fat food. He is so afraid I will try to eat it that he shoves his bowl under that Hoosier and then protects it with his pitty paws.

Then he licks every speck of food out of that bowl.

He is one crazy pup.


the many Bs said...

that's great that Reilly likes his special food so well that he has to protect it.

we love the photos in the previous post with your muddy paws, Murphy. we're betting that you got a good bath after playing in the mud.


Lorenza said...

Reilly sure is funny hiding his bowl there! And eating there too!
Have a great sunday
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Murphy..I eat my Low cal food in two seconds flat..thewe's no chance anyone else could get it, heheh
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

We're so glad that Reilly is loving his food so much that he feels he needs to protect it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Airechicks said...


Reilly is SERIOUS about his food....

Glad he likes the new food.....

Hope he doesn't fall asleep in the bowl..


Snowball said...

Oooh... what brand of low fat food is that? It sure look like its really yummy!


Amber-Mae said...

I think he just loves his food too much...

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lucia said...

Ciao bello Murphey!

I saw your post on Keeley's bloggie and I just had to drop by to tell you: my paws smell like Fritos, too!!! What is up with THAT??

Tanti baci!

Joe Stains said...

Sheesh, is this what they mean by 'having issues'?

L said...

Our girl wants to know what kind of low fat food Reilly is getting. She claims that Comet is too chubby and needs to lose some weight. Is Reilly on a prescription diet or a store brand?

Huskee and Hershey said...

Heehee.. Reilly is so careful with his food, isn't he?!!

Poppy Q said...

That is so cute - my mum wishes she loved the diet food like that. She wishes lettuce tasted yummy.

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