Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On My Way

Driving in the neighborhood is always fun, My Lady rolls the window down just a little bit, I put my paws up on the door handle thingy and I poke my head out the top. Hello Neighbors, look at me!

Check out these cool artistic shots, me in the mirror, TWICE!

Yeah, I am happy.

You can't see the window in this shot for some reason, but it's there and my head just peaks out over the top when I am standing like this. Fun. It allows me to feel the wind blowing in my hair, bark at any dogs I might see.... I wish my lady would go REALLY fast, but she won't, something about the speed limit, my ears getting blown off, or some such other crap like that. When we go anywhere else, other than the neighborhood, she makes me wear a seatbelt and keeps the window closed, NO FAIR! A wild guy like me needs the wind in my face.The windblown look, I hear the ladies really like that. I wish we had a convertible, I would dig that, and I bet the chicks would too.....

Hey are we there yet? Wherever there might be. Yeah, driving in the 'hood is fun.


Duke said...

You look so sexy with the wind whipping through your hair Murphey!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey.
Looking the pictures seems like your lady was driving really fast. The wind messing your hair.
I like car rides too.
Have a nice day

Boo Casanova said...

murphey, that's artistic shot was really nice. double murphey! mom would freak if i put my head like you on the window. coz i'm short, if i were to put my head out for a blow, mom would have to wind down the window really low. that lady is just paranoid on everything.

wet wet licks


Luckie Girl said...

Hey Murphey,
My Mom doesn't like me to put my head out to enjoy the wind....she says it's dangerous. Yeah yeah yeah....whatever.
You are born to be WILD!!! First you tried to drive with your lady and now..this..COOL!!! :)

T-man Angel said...

Those are great artistic shots of you Murph! I'm sure the girls will take note.

Toby said...

Wait a minute. Not only are you allowed to drive...but you get to hang your head out the window?!?!? Ok, I'm being deprived. Mom makes me sit in a silly carseat AND put on a seatbelt!!! What the heck?? Can you have a chat with her. I'm obviously missing out!!!

I wanna feel the wind in my ears too!! Oh, and you said the chicks dig it, right?? I gotta work on my chick-getting skills.


Joe Stains said...

we love driving too but Mom and Dad dont let us hang our head out the window :(

Asta said...

Murphy, you're right..that windblown look suits're one handsome dude...have you twied wearing doggles, I bet they'd look gweat on you
Smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Murphey, you look totally kewl with the wind in your fur..

~ girl girl

Frasier said...

You could be modelling for a shampoo ad!

L said...

You are such a stud Murphey, Mom says so anyway. You look like you a having a great ol' time sniffing everything and hanging out of the window.


Bella said...

woo hoo Murphey you sure do look dashing with the wind blowing through your hair.
What you need are some cool shades too - check out