Monday, June 04, 2007

A Guy Who Knows His Place

This weekend Audrey came to stay with us. She is, and always will be, ALPHA DOG! It doesn't matter that she's 14 years old, it doesn't matter that she walks really slow and it doesn't matter that I could probably beat the bejeepers outta her. Nope, the first time I met her she put me in my place with a growl, bark and a nip on the neck. I didn't get hurt, but it taught me a big lesson, don't mess with Audrey.

I enjoyed having her visit, I follow her around like a shadow, "Whatcha Doing? Huh, can I join in?" She lays down, so I lay down, she gets up, so I get up, she barks, so I bark, this goes on all day long. The only time I won't do exactly what she is doing is when she eats. ALPHA DOG = Eats first. So I sit in the corner and watch her eat, and I wait to eat my food.....even though we have separate bowls, far away from each other, I won't eat till she is done....but then that big old meany comes and eats my food too! What's a guy to do? This happened twice, no food for Murph. It was a big fat bummer.

Finally my lady figured out that I had to have my bowl of food in another room, away from Audrey, so for three days I got to eat my food in the bathroom. At least I got to eat.

Audrey is home now and I can eat in the kitchen again, I am so happy!


Lizzy said...

That must have been pretty hard for you. I'm glad you can eat normally again! I could never survive with a dog being higher in dominance than me!


Dandy Duke said...

Mitch always wants to steal my food but mom puts a stop to that in a hurry! I guess I'm just too sweet when I shouldn't be!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

I sure wish that Tanner would understand that I AM the alpha dog around here :(

Unknown said...

I hear ya Murph! I'm not allowed to even look at Toby's bowl. The last time I took a sniff at his dinner, I got a pretty good view at the back of his throat and teeth marks on my head.

So glad you are eating well again!


Boo Casanova said...

murphey, i hope you are not turn into audrey if you keep following what she does!

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey
I suppose that having an Alpha dog in your house must be hard! And having to eat your food in the bathroom worst!
I am glad you are back to your normal life
Have a good night

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Well, Murphey, although Audrey sounds very nice, I am sure you are glad to see the back of her! Now you can eat to your heart's delight and NOT in the bathroom! What a shame for you!

love and licks, Marv xxxxxx

Frasier said...

Thats sounds like me and my Aunt Jez in a role reversal!!

Asta said...

Poor Murphey, a guy could starve being polite
glad you finally got it figured out
come to my house I won't steel your food
smoochie kisses