Thursday, July 10, 2008


The last two days Reilly hasn't wanted to go walking, weird! Then last night the lady noticed that Reilly and I were licking his foot, and licking his foot, and licking his foot. Yup, I was helping, the lady thought it was gross. Then she looked at his foot and noticed one of his toes was all swollen and red and yucky. So off to the vet Reilly went, and it turns out he broke his nail off right at the quick, and it had gotten infected and was really, really painful. So right now he is getting his toenail cut off and when he comes home he is going to have a big old band aid on his foot. I'll try to get the lady to take some photos of it.


Dandy Duke said...

OMG, poor Reilly! This sounds painful! Does this also mean that if our mom cuts our nails too short they could get infected too? Please say yes so she never ever does it again for the rest of our lives!
We hope Reilly feels better soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ben & Darling said...

Oh dear....isit because of the walkie she asked 2 days ago?? That sound berry pain to me and I hope Reilly's leg get well soon....and mayb Reilly can pretending she still got pain pain leg to avoid from the nail trimming. hehehehe

slurpy licks,

peemail: Then Im suppose my breed name will Collmutt....collie mutt. LOL

Abby said...

Hi, Murphey...

I saw you on BenBen & Twinkle's Blog...

I just wanted to stop by & say Hi...Stop by & visit me when you get a minute...

I hope Reilly's toe gets better...That would be sad if he had to miss too many walks...

Abby xxxooo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey!
Yes, ouch!
I hope he gets better soon!
And don't touch his bandage, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Ouch!!! I can feel your pain. My nails grow so fast that Momma calls them my talons. And she worries about me doing the same thing.

Princess Eva

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no.. I hope Reilly is better now. That's really nice that you help him to lick his toes

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

YOUCH that sounds like it hurts big time!!!

Peanut said...

mom says that happened to her old dog Kiko. We hope Reilly feels better soon