Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Storm and No Power

Wow, we had a really big storm here, the sirens that warn you that there might be a tornado went off and we had to get out of bed and go hide in the closet! It was scary. The wind was blowing so loud, and all we could remember was that a tornado is supposed to sound like a freight train, so we wondered, does that wind sound like a freight train, or is it just LOUD! We were lucky and it was just loud....but it did blow out our power. And the power stayed off for days. The lady was really worried about the food in the food chiller going bad, so we did our part and ate as much of it as we could. But we couldn't blog cause we had no computer, or phone, or TV, and the lady had no hair dryer. She even had to do her makeup by candlelight, HA HA.

We did go outside a lot though. Here I am protecting my chair. STAY AWAY.

I did get suckered into a game of tug of war and I found out that Reilly can really win that game, he weighs ten more pounds than me and he uses it to his advantage. I'd like to send him back, he was only supposed to be 14 pounds and he is 24 pounds and much taller than me...but the lady won't let me.

We played kill the toy, you know, did the death shake thing, both at the same time, you can tell by our blurry heads. If that woulda been a squirrel we'd a killed it!

Then the R man took off with it and I had to chase him. We were playing with a toy I've had since I was a puppy, give it here Reilly man.

Look at him, he's looking at the camera while we wrestle for it, he does not take this very seriously. Oh well...
And of course we had to finish off with a round of chase that ended up with us jumping off the deck, we love the deck.
We'll be catching up now that our power is back!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey!
Sure that big storm was scary! And without power! We had the same problem some days ago but it lasted just a few hours not days!
Good job not letting that food to get spoiled!
I was sure Reilly was going to be bigger than you!
Kisses and hugs

Lizzy said...

Wow, that must have been a scary storm! I'm glad the power's back now.

Great pictures! I never realized how big Reilly has gotten!


Joe Stains said...

That all sounds VERY scary! I am glad the power is back!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh the storm and no power sounds scary. Good job pawtecting your chair there.
Reilly sure looks big now

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

We're so glad you got your power back, Murphey! It gets old real fast being without something so necessary! Were you successful in eating ALL the goodies out of the frig?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh glad the storm didn't get you :)

T-man Angel said...

That storm must have been so scary for you!! I hope you were a brave boy, Murph. I'm sure your lady and Reilly look to you for protection.

Yes, how did Reilly get to be so gigantic? When will he stop growing? Maybe he's a giant schnauzer :)

the many Bs said...

hi kiddos, that sounds like a really scary storm when you have to hide in the closet. we would not like that one bit.

it looks like you're okay now though. you have a nice big back yard to run and play in. we like your deck too. we have a deck kind of like that. we like it. yards are cool. decks are cool. friends are cool.


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey Murph! I have a deck like that o-u-t back and there's snakes under it!

Bussie Kissies

Asta said...

I'm so glad it wasn't a townado!!!
I bet you would miss Reilly lots if you gave him back..that play looks like so much fun
smoochie kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Murph,
Gee the big storm must've been real scary! I am glad I don't get many big storms over where I am because I am terrified of them.
I can't believe Reilly is biiger/ taller than you now!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i will be really hot here if the power was out...

reilley man is definately getting bigger n more muscular...

murphey, u shld do more gym n eat more food

Willie and Waylon said...

At least you got to eat the food during your blackout! We lost our power too, but only for a few hours. We love playing chase!