Thursday, January 03, 2008

The New Year Begins

The lady said we partied like it was 1999, whatever that means!? All I know is that we were worn out after the late night festivities, champagne (not for us), queso and chips (again, not for us!), cookies (not FOR US!) and gunshots (definitely not us, but some other stupid person in the neighborhood!!!!!)
So this is how our New Year began, with a NAP! Mischa was visiting so she joined us on the couch.

That was one worn out little dude, although I guess I shouldn't call him little since the pup is bigger than me now, which is just WRONG, hmmmph. But I can still beat the crap outta him! (you just go on thinking that Murph)

Me in my favorite sleeping position on the couch, yeah, perfect.

Hope your New Year's Day was as good as ours.


Asta said...

Murphey and Reilly
That is the best position to bwinf in the NewYeaw..It's so cold hewe , that all I want to do is sneep
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

Happy New Year, sorry you got shafted on the treat handouts. HOW LAME. I am sure you can take Reilly just like I can take Tanner!

Peanut said...

Happy New Year guys. I can't believe you didn't get any of that food.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey!
I understand you! Nothing for us! You, Reilly and your friend look so comfy there in the sofa!
I've been doing the same here because is very cold to be moving around!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball said...

You guys look so comfortable. What a good what to start the new year.


Boo Casanova said...

lol murphey, you have weird sleeping taste. i wonder how your lady allow you to get up the couch at all! after seeing how your lady covered the couch, mom said she's getting a big cloth for our own couch too.

it's getting really dirty.

wet wet licks


the many Bs said...

Hi kids, you look so comfy on your couch. we totally love napping on our couch too. and we understand about new years eve. it's not much of a dog holiday, is it?


Stanley said...

You guys looked like a bunch of super models lounging at the beach. Everydog had their spot, and everydog was totally relaxed!

Glad you guys had a good new years despite the cruel chip & queso deprivation. You really need to address that with the Lady.

Goober love & smooches,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa dont you need to turn when you sleep on the couch like that?
Hope you have a pawsome new year

~ Girl girl

L said...

Napping is the best way to start the new year. Your couch looks super comfy.
Comet and BLU

T-man Angel said...

Now that's the way to start the new year out right!! None of this silly exercise and dieting stuff like my mom always starts.

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Murph,
I hope your 2008 has been a blast so far. I guess we all need a little rest after all that pawtying!

Michelle Wrighton Artist said...

Hey guys, not fair that you missed out on the treats! What I hate most though is when my family eats chocolate - they all say how yummy it is, but won't let me have any!

I spent new years day sleeping too!


Turbo Taj

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi guys,
I like naps... naps are good.. Zzzzzzzzz...

Frasier said...

You look like you are almost falling off !!!!