Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reilly's Home!

The lady brought the Reilly man home today. She said he had to stay calm, um, how's that gonna work out lady? She put him in the crate where he "calmly" proceeded to whine, scream, scratch, jump up and freak out. He usually does just fine in the crate, but today, not so much.

Then when she took him outside to pee, on his leash, he tried to run and then JUMP off the deck. Then he jumped up and attacked me for a good old wrasslin match, yeah calm....

I think I get to go stay with Audrey and Mischa for a few days cause the lady says with me around NO WAY will he be calm. Oh, it looks like he'll have to wear the collar too, he already tried to lick....

Reilly calm, that cracks me up.


Asta said...

I'm sowwy you have to leave home fow Reilly to be calm..sheesh..bwudders huh?
I hope he heals weally fast so that you can get to play and westle again and genewally weck havock like you do hehehe
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

Get him some beer he will relax, I promise!! I am glad he is home!

Duke said...

Bummer about the lampshade and it's even more of a bummer that you have to relocate for a bit! We're sending AireZen for Reilly to heal fast so that you two can beat each other up again soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frasier said...

Hi Murphey,
Hopefully you have a great time without Reilly!!
But its better the boy bits get chopped now !!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey
Glad Reilly is home and doing well! The lampshade is the best option. He will heal sooner!
I hope you will be away just for a couple of days!
Have a good night

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I am glad he is home but sad you had to leave home.

I hope your weekend is happy no matter what the circumstances.

love and sad licks, Marvin xxxx

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

I know just how you feel Pebbles was that way too after her operation. Like it was my fault she wanted to play bitey face.

Hope he is back to normal now.


Bella said...

Enjoy the holiday Murphey.
And Reilly be good the calmer & less licking you do the sooner it will be over - stay brave young man.

Luckie Girl said...

Looks like he's healing really fast! LOL! ANyhoo, I just hope you get back soon. It's no fair you have to leave home for him!

L said...

Glad that Reilly is back home and his boy bits are gone. If he has to wear the cone, tease him. It's fun.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i remember after my spaying surgery i could hardly stay calm too.... i was jumping in d playpen n finally, owner resort to tie me up on short lead...poor thing.

Stanley said...


Too bad REilly's so nuts about you and you had to get out of Dodge while he's having his "quite period."

Hope that works...

Goob love,