Monday, October 29, 2007

Paper Trails And Doggie Wrestling

I love paper, and apparently, so does Reilly. Look what he found, tissue paper!!!!!! OMG, I love tissue paper.

I watched him with envy in my eyes, look at him tearing it up, my mouth is watering just to get some of that action, mmmmmm, tissue paper.

Hey, you'll share won't you?

His exact words, "HELL NO!"

My response? "TAKE THAT! and I'll wrestle ya for it, winner takes all"

Then he went for it, totally took me down.

I was down for the count, "One, Two, Three...." the winner is

REILLY! Celebrating with a paper beard.

Look at that face, happy as all get out with the victory paper shredding all showing up behind him. I learned to never come between a pup and his tissue paper!

I'd like to say that no paper was harmed in the making of this blog, but that would be a lie, it was harmed Big Time! And yes, those are my lady's sponge bob pajama bottoms!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey
You mad my day with your post! The little rascal won! How was that? What happened with your authority?? Next time you need to get that paper first!
Have a good night

Poppy said...

Nice work with the paper. I am a paper conniseur myself. I prefer the harder varieties, like tp tubes and paper bags. I'll have to try tissue paper next time!


Joe Stains said...

seriously, I think I need to come over and help kick some reilly butt!

Duke said...

Do you guys eat the tissue paper or just shred it? I love to eat kleenex and paper towels! yummmmmm

Love ya lots,

Unknown said...

Hi Murphey!

Reilly man is turning just fine... look at his smile!


Lizzy said...

Hi Murphey! Sorry I haven't been able to visit your blog for a long time. I've got lots of blogs to catch up on! Hehe.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh woh, Reilly sure is getting stronger to win in wrestling matches now

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i usually to enjoy shredding tissue paper too....but there no one to fight wit me...

Stanley said...


What's going on, man? This is exactly WHY I won't let The Stellanator on the pooter. She might GET IDEAS!

It's time for you to reinforce your Alpha status, buddy. If you need any help, call Joe Stains. He'll be a good dog to help you out!

Goober love,

jaffeboy said...

Oooo Poor Murph.. Don't let Reily bully you! You should show him who's the BOSS!!!

burrs are horrible. Too bad you get them too on walkies! I'm all patchy too cos mama had to pull the burrs out & of cos my fur comes out with the pulling as well! patchy is my look now!

Ashley said...

My dog loves to shred paper too!
Come visit my Dog Blog :)

Star said...

You guys are fun to watch! Me and my brother Sunny do that too :)

Star said...

I mean the wrestle thing, making a mess and what else, my brother is more of a destroyer, he kills the toys and scatter the guts all over the house :D

L said...

Toilet paper is my favorite treat in the whole wide world! I love it! You guys are so lucky that your people let you play with it and didn't steal it back. My girl usually hides it out of my reach - but the times she forgets - pure heaven!