Monday, July 09, 2007

Can I Keep Him?

I have to interrupt my planned blog, Oh yes I must! Forget the lady's trip to Schlitterbahn, forget Camp Bow Wow, forget everything, except this. I WANT TO KEEP THIS GUY!!

MEET RILEY!!!!!!!! He came to visit, and Oh My DOGGGGGGGG, did we have fun.
We fought, and I let him knock me around a little. Now I could beat the crap outta him, him being so little and all, but I only pretended to be mean, I growled, I poked him in his belly, I barked at him, but never once did I try to hurt him.
Look how mean that little guy can look, see his big old puppy teeth he's showing me? Yeah, I'm scared little Riley man, really scared, NOT!!

He chased me, I love a good chase, even though the little guy's legs were too short to run really fast, he gave it his best shot at running fast. I mean he's a blur!!!!!! (K here, the blur might just be because of my bad picture taking skills! But okay, he was running fast, whatever you say Murph)

He's smart too. Look, he wants in. So he checks out the dog door, pushes on it and.....

He's in!
He figured it out! This guy had never EVER seen a doggy door before, and he watched me once and followed me right in. BRILLIANT!

And handsome, not as handsome as me, but rather studly in his own way. I let him share my bed and toys.....

Ah, what fun the little guy and I had. I tried to hide him under the couch so his peeps couldn't find him, but my lady gave away the hiding spot so we had to give him back. WTH, and what a bummer. I hope he can come visit again soon. MOMMMMMMMM, PLEASE?!!! (K here: I hope he visits again soon TOO, Murph slept for hours after Riley left, a worn out pup is a happy pup!)


Dandy Duke said...

Oh darn! I thought maybe he was available until I saw the tags on his collar! Shoot Murph! I almost thought you had yourself a new brother!

Love ya lots,

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Our mom thinks Riley is adoreable!

Hopefuly he can come over a lot more! You guys look like your the bestest friends!

Bella said...

Oh yes you should keep him - hide him away more better from his peeps - then you have your own play mate all the time !!!
Oh but then his peeps would be sad & miss him - so you better let him go home
BUT I hope he come to visit & play often

Joe Stains said...

dang I was seriously hoping you got to keep that guy, he is soo cute and he looks like fun!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Murphey.
So bad you were not able to keep him. Looks like you had a great day... and he is so smart. He knew about the doggie door in a moment. I still can't do that!
Have a good night

Frasier said...

Hi Murph
He could have been your own intelligent toy....Grown ups have to ruin everything!!!

T-man Angel said...

Oh that Riley is so cute! He looks like a young Uncle Sammi :)

Ooh, I'm so flattered your lady had a dream about me. Of course, my charm and hunky good looks have all the ladies dreaming about me, so what can I do? T-man is the man!!

Boo Casanova said...

murphey, did you forget to tell us who he is? i mean i know his name is riley but who is his owner? your neighbour?

wet wet licks


Asta said...

looks like you have a new bestest fwiend, what a cutie that Riley is..are you suwe you can't keep him...even if you make your super sad pleeez face?
I'm suwe he'll come again, maybe you can figure out a better hiding place next time
smoochie kisses

The Airechicks said...


You were so gentle with Riley...

Do bad you can't keep him...

Watching you guys play - priceless.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, your new friend is cute.

I had to come and say hi. My grandma and grandad just got a new doggie. I posted photos on my blog and a lot of my friends were saying he looked just like you, so I had to come and see for myself. They're right, you two are quite alike!

Oscar x

Stanley said...


What kind of pup is Riley? He definitely looks like a terrier. Is he schnauzer or schnauzer-esque? Sounds to me like you've got yourself a new buddy, man!


Goober love,